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Child & baby sleep expert
Child & baby sleep expert
If you are concerned about your baby, child or family’s sleep, I very much hope that you will find helpful advice and direction here.
I am one of the UK’s longest-standing independent child & baby sleep consultants and I have helped thousands of families from all over the world to get a good night’s sleep.
All of my advice, whether in my books, articles, online courses, as an expert speaker or one-to-one with individual families, is child-centred, evidence-based, judgement-free and delivered gently.
I use safe, compassionate and effective approaches to improve babies’ and children’s sleep – even when there are feeding difficulties, reflux, allergies and other health or developmental issues.
I am proud to be a child sleep consultant who can help every baby and child to get a good night’s sleep!
"In a sea of infant sleep advice, Andrea is a knowledgable, supportive and effective voice
I was recommended Andrea by my sister when I had my son (now aged 1). She has supported and advised us at different stages from the time he was 6 weeks old until now. Her support has helped him develop the skills to fall asleep independently, sleep through the night and transition to fewer daytime naps.
Andrea has always been compassionate, understanding, knowledgable and adaptable in her approach. I really attribute my son’s good sleep habits to the support that we have received from Andrea.
There are many different voices and approaches when it comes to infant sleep and I have found it very reassuring and helpful having one person to seek advice from so that I’ve not felt overwhelmed by what I’ve read online or heard from other parents. Andrea is very gentle in her approach and consistent - this has been key in all of us sleeping well from an early stage. I have recommended her to a number of friends and every one of them has thanked me for signposting them to Andrea!"
"A gentle approach that actually works!
We reached out to Andrea when we were ready to drop our daughters night feed as she was waking for milk that she didn’t really want or need and we were very ready for a full nights sleep!
Andrea’s gentle approach immediately resonated with us and gave us the confidence to help support her through the night. To my surprise she took to the plan SO well! Night 1, protested for 6 minutes. SIX. Night two, less time more wakes. Night three she slept through the night until 06:45. I absolutely couldn’t believe it.
Since then Andrea has helped support us with a couple of tricky things and we e come through them all.
If you’re looking for completely non-judgement, supportive and relatable advice then you’re looking in the right place. I would recommend Andrea 100 times over."
"I was going bonkers until I implemented Andrea’s advice in the Gentle Sleep Course
I was going bonkers looking everything up to do with 5 month old sleep and sleep regression until I found Andrea Grace. I had the 10 min consultation and was advised to purchase the Gentle sleep course. At first I thought it was all info id found on my internet searches but I persevered as it consolidated everything h and gave me a plan.
I followed the advice and after 2 days my son was drifting off to sleep with me sitting or laying beside him. Happily too as the initial crying turned to babbling chatter and sleepy moans. I’ve never once left him to cry on his own and now he knows the bedtime routine and frequently falls asleep after a bit of a wiggle and a few yawns.
The course has been a game changer for me.
I was waking every hour in the night for my son who was reliant on breast feeding back to sleep.
Can’t recommend this course enough and Andrea is extremely professional for video consultations if you need extra guidance.
I booked a follow up consultation expecting that I’d need it but really wasn’t that necessary as my son was sleeping through most nights after I implemented the course advice."
Andrea has been a godsend in helping my little girl sleep more consistently through the night. Her approach is very kind and gentle - which was really important to me - and has worked wonders through different stages from baby to toddler.
I would 100% recommend Andrea to anyone looking for a knowledgeable and experienced sleep consultant.
I booked Andrea based on a recommendation when I was at my wits' end. A 4 month sleep regression had turned into 6 weeks of no sleep. I was too tired to play with my daughter during the day and worried she wasn't getting the rest she needed.
Andrea listened to all my concerns and constructed a sleep plan that was thorough and kind. We saw a huge improvement from the very first night and that has continued to improve.
Andrea was available for tweaks to the plan and further questions over the next few weeks. Sleep consultants are not cheap, but it's hard to put a price on a good night's sleep - especially when you are stuck in a cycle of poor sleep with no idea of when it will end - or if it will!
I feel I'm a better mother now because I have the energy to play and deal with all the challenges that having a 5 month old brings! Thank you Andrea"
"Andrea the sleep Fairy Godmother
I did a Webinar with Andrea end of January to help my 7 month old Baby girl. The key aims to stop feeding in the night and to sleep through.
Andrea so knowledgeable and really helped me and my husband. Agatha now doesn't feed through the night and is nearly sleeping through.
I can't thank Andrea enough for help and support. It really has changed my life as I was really struggling with sleep deprivation.
Thank you again"
Last night a miracle happened. My husband and I went out for an evening for the first time in over 3.5 years. This is all thanks to Andrea.
We reached out to Andrea when my husband and I were at complete breaking point after having welcomed our second born into the world a few months ago.
Neither of us were getting any sleep at all. Life was frankly pretty miserable.
Our 3 year old co-sleeping little boy had never slept through the night and woke frequently. He now very happily sleeps independently all night and goes to sleep by himself (in fact demands that we leave his room!) and wakes up in mostly a jolly mood.
Although sleep training was an emotionally difficult (but relatively quick) process for us, it was made far more easy by Andrea’s clear instructions, expert guidance and continual support.
I would recommend Andrea to absolutely everyone struggling with sleep issues. I think you would be hard pushed to find a more qualified, experienced and approachable sleep consultant. She doesn’t have a one size fits all approach and I truly believe she listens to exactly what you feel comfortable with and adapts a sleep plan accordingly.
Thank you so much for helping our 3 year old sleep through & thank you for giving my husband and I some quality time back.
“A real life sleep magician
A real life sleep magician! I was always hesitant as to whether any form of “sleep training” would be for us, as I hated the thought of my baby being upset and the thought of tackling sleep problems when you’re exhausted yourself felt like too much of a challenge. But after speaking to Andrea, who is reassuring and completely gentle in her approach, she put together some advice for us and after a very short period (a couple of nights, and not at all as hard as I’d imagined), my baby was sleeping through the night! I also found the free sleep club on her website really useful - there are lots of discussions and helpful tips on there! Thank you, Andrea xxxx"
“Fantastic Service and Brilliant Services
For the first year of her life, getting our daughter to sleep take hours of stress and exhaustion to all involved. Seeking Andrea’s help was the best thing we could have done, and the best money I ever spent. Within three nights, she was going to sleep in ten minutes. It literally felt like a miracle.
A few years on, when our son was born, we had a totally different problem. He would go to sleep easily, but refused to stay asleep. My wife felt she would be unable to go back to work as she was so sleep-deprived. After six months, we again contacted Andrea, though I told myself that I couldn’t expect quite the same miraculous, almost instantaneous change as before. Actually, it turned out that I could. In less than a week, he was waking up only once in ten hours, and quickly self-soothing himself to sleep when he did. This has given my wife absolute confidence about returning to work. We couldn’t be more relieved.
We are absolutely astonished and over-the-moon with her results. Her kindness, support and reassurance have been invaluable, always responding to our initial long list of questions and fears with calmness and confidence. I would recommend Andrea unhesitatingly and unreservedly to anyone"
“I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help! It’s so nice to all be sleeping again, and actually being able to enjoy Finn in the day and not just spend the whole day dreading the night!
He’s a very happy boy now, a new baby!"
“I want to thank you for working with us and being incredibly patient as we very gently sleep-trained little Maryam. Honestly, knowing that you were by my side gave me a lot of strength during our journey, I wasn’t alone. I knew your expert opinion was just an email or a phone call away."
“I approached Andrea in a moment of absolute desperation: I used to be a very anxious first-time working mum, struggling massively with lack of sleep and with a baby who used to be a poor sleeper. I didn't believe that I could have my life back until I met Andrea. She was brilliant, calm and reassuring. Her advice over the years has not only resolved sleeping issues for both of my children but has helped me become the mum I aspire to be: confident, understanding and calm."
“Andrea is magical, she helped our first child’s four-month sleep regression within a couple of days, has supported us through jet lag issues, and has now helped us to get our second child to sleep through the night. The real magic for me is not just the fact our children are now brilliant sleepers, it’s the fact this is achieved through Andrea offering such kindness, support, and insight at a time when I’ve felt really stressed and vulnerable...”
"I barely recognise the life we were living before we started working with Andrea! My husband and I were taking it in turns to sleep in our spare room as our baby needed resettling back to sleep every 20 minutes or so, she was having back-to-back colds because she was so run down, and she spent most of her wakeful hours crying. Andrea has given us the confidence to make the changes we knew were necessary but we didn’t know how to make. In the space of just four weeks, we now have a happy, healthy..."
“I am a GP based in London. Andrea’s approach was very gentle and personalised to my baby taking into account his medical history, weight and feeding habits. After a few days of following Andrea’s instructions closely, we now have a happier baby who is sleeping through the night (in his own cot!) I would without hesitation refer anyone to Andrea for sleep training and support.”
“We have had such a dramatic improvement, in such a short space of time, and we are so, so grateful. Last night was both the most sleep I have had since he was born and the most hours consecutively, and I feel like a human again, rather than an anxious husk. Your advice has been so invaluable.”
“Tonight, I laid my little boy in his cot and after his normal routine and a kiss goodnight he has gone to sleep almost instantly, on his own, without protest.
We’ve seen steady progress from night one, with each sleep/nap getting easier and easier. After 9 months of rocking him to sleep, I’m so relieved and excited by this success.”
“I really appreciate your words of wisdom. You have been a guiding light the past few months, and a regular thought I have is, “What would Andrea do?” It has helped to keep me sane, and the space to know that what I am offering is enough and that I have the strength to help us all get better sleep is invaluable.”
“We are doing really well. Many thanks for your plan and advice. It’s been so helpful and has made a fantastic difference. T is not so repetitive at bedtime. It is all so much calmer.”
“I’m happy to report that R is now sleeping through the night! We really don’t know ourselves and he is happier too. We really appreciate all the advice you gave us, we couldn’t have done it without you!”
“Wanted to say thank you for your time and guidance. Last night G slept through from 8 pm – 6 am – the first time ever! Can’t believe the gentle approach has worked so well. Long may this continue.”
“I just wanted to send a message to say thank you! In a week, Matilda has gone from waking every hour (minimum!) to only waking up twice last night. I now have such a happy, smiley baby and she has a mummy that is much more able to entertain her in the day!”
“We have BREAKING NEWS!! I put her down following the usual routine, said our “goodnight phrase”, and left the room. And then… SHE FELL ASLEEP! She hummed and chatted to herself a bit but I didn’t go back as she sounded calm. She stayed asleep until 4 am, at which point she started chatting and playing and then… Put herself to sleep again! I didn’t intervene this time either. And as you rightly said, her appetite during the day is much better as well. Thanks for all your help!”
"Thank you for your LIFE CHANGING sleep course.
We are beyond thankful and blown away by how your course has helped us!
I honestly feel like a new woman, and find it hard to believe how I managed day to day before this!
Nola is also such a much happier baby."
Available from booksellers or purchase a signed copy here (UK only)
These are some of the brands and organisations to I have worked with as a child and baby sleep expert.
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